Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release

Would you like to release the stress that causes your anxiety and overwhelm?

Allow me to guide you towards a state of comfort and safety within your body.

You may be here because…

Rouba Chalabi wearing white blouse and black trousers seated in arm chair journalling
  • You’re consumed by worries about your future and work non-stop even though you’re tired of pushing and forcing things to happen 

  • Your mind operates on overdrive: you constantly feel attacked by annoying and intrusive thoughts that won’t stop, leaving you with little room to slow down and switch off

  • You’re easily distracted and struggle to concentrate and complete the task in your hand. 

  • You may notice your breath is tight: you may not be able to have a long inhale or perhaps you struggle to softly exhale

  • Most mornings, you wake up feeling depleted and heavy despite all your efforts to recharge

  • You often experience body tension and restlessness, making you easily irritable and impatient

  • Expressing your emotions and articulating your needs  proves to be a struggle

But what if your life could be different?

Woman sitting amongst cushions holding her knees laughing

Envision the sensation of taking deep and nourishing inhales, allowing yourself to sink into your inner vastness. Imagine exhaling with effortless ease, releasing the burdens that have been weighing you down. 

Imagine the bliss of finally being able to relax and be fully present in the here and now.  Wouldn't it be wonderful to quiet the incessant chatter of your mind, allowing calm, serenity, and tranquility to wash over you?

Picture yourself feeling a gentle lightness and softness permeate your entire being, allowing you to savor pleasure and silliness, rejoicing your existence in this moment.

Visualize releasing your suppressed emotions in a safe container, finally finding relief and lightness. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to feel anchored, safe and at home in your body, experiencing a strong sense of connection and belonging?

Imagine being in harmony with yourself and the world around you while feeling a surge in strength and vitality

My goal is for you to leave a breathwork session feeling completely at ease, rejuvenated, and deeply connected to your body, mind, and spirit.

Rouba has changed my life. I have stopped swallowing my unease and can cry out my emotions.

— Wren

Get out of your mind and connect with your body

Discover the transformative benefits of Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release. Through these sessions, you'll experience the profound effects of breath, movement, sound, touch, and meditation, all designed to help you connect with yourself, alleviate stress, and release tension from your body.

What happens during a breathwork session:

Breathwork IS for you if…

  • You are open to develop a new relationship with your body and connect with yourself

  • You would like to learn how to truly meditate and silence your monkey mind 

  • You would like to learn no mind techniques to relax your nervous system and recharge

  • You are eager to release trapped tension and emotions in a safe space

  • You would like to learn how to let go of control and truly relax 

orange tick

and it’s NOT for you if…

  • If you are pregnant 

  • If you recently suffered from an injury

  • If you have severe heart issues, epilepsy, macular degeneration, glaucoma or suffered from a recent psychiatric episode

  • If you’d rather stay on the surface of things

black cross
  • I now listen deeply

    “Rouba has thought me to listen deeply and somewhere along the way meet myself again, truly, fully and purely.”

    — Khalil, Ghana

  • I can handle uncomfortable moments

    “Rouba has gifted me the knowledge that i can control how i feel. Its on me to act and react when I feel anxious. The various breathing exercises have thought me how to handle uncomfortable moments. I now know how to easily go back to myself and connect with breathing at any moment of the day.”

    — Tjasa, Ghana

  • I am able to better manage my overwhelm

    “Breathwork with Rouba has helped me better manage my overwhelm from everyday life. I can now identify whenever I feel tension in my body and release it through breath exercises. I have also learned techniques to slowdown my thoughts and be more present with my heart and my body in the present moment.”

    — Amelle, Switzerland

  • I am able to connect inwards

    “Rouba has thought me to connect to every part of my body, helping me find my sources of energy. I never listened to my body before, I am now able to connect inwards. Using her soft and flexible approach, Rouba helped me get rid of my body pain and recharge from within.”

    — Marlene, Lebanon

  • I have stopped swallowing my unease

    “Rouba has changed my life. I have stopped swallowing my unease and can cry out my emotions. I feel as though I woke up from a really nasty nightmare and I’ve been finally learning what it means to live and be free.”

    — Wren, USA

Rouba Chalabi in white top with both hands folded on her chest

Why I can help

Hi, I’m Rouba Chalabi a qualified biodynamic breathwork and trauma release practitioner.

I have been a workaholic and overeater myself for 40 years. Breathwork has help me befriend my body and release myself from my inner prison. 

I love that I can help you become aware of your body cues and any emerging emotion and have you experience how to release your discomforts so that you can feel lighter, vibrant and happier. 

My aim is that you become deeply centered in your body and safe in your surroundings so that you can grow in compassion, strength and confidence and find direction in your life.

Book your Breathwork 1:1 Session

Discover the transformative benefits of a 75-minute online 1:1 Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release Session. Through this session, you'll experience the profound effects of breath, movement, sound, touch, and meditation, all designed to help you connect with yourself, alleviate stress, and release tension from your body.

Payment: USD 145 per session

Steps to book a session :

  1. Select your preferred date in the calendar where you can book the session (make sure to check the timezone)

  2. Payment is integrated with your session confirmation

  3. Make sure you read the session confirmation e-mail including instructions on how to fill the client intake form and how to get ready for your session

  4. Save session in your calendar

  5. Attend

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • While the first session will give you an experience of calm, release and lightness, it is recommended that you do 5-7 sessions on weekly intervals to witness a shift in your stress management.

  • The booking link provides payment via PayPal or credit card. Upon request, you may settle your payment via bank transfer.

  • You can reschedule 48 hours ahead of time. You have this option in your meeting confirmation.

  • Upon session booking, you will get a session confirmation with an option to save in your calendar. You will also receive a reminder two days ahead and 15 minutes before. The session is not refundable if you don't show up or fail to reschedule within 48 hours.

  • The session is not refundable. You may reschedule it if needed.

  • Here are few guidelines to insure an optimal experience during your online breathwork session:

    • 🤫 Private, quiet space that has a stable internet connection for best video & audio quality

    • 💻 Connect from a laptop as iPhone and iPad screens are difficult to adjust. 

    • 📸 Position the camera of the device that you are using in a way that I can see you from the waist up to the top of your head with proper lighting. Please turn your camera ON.

    • 🔉Connect wireless headphones or speakers to your computer for the session. Please note that you always can adjust audio in your audio settings (zoom and computer) for higher or lower volume.

    • 🧘‍♀️Create a space where you are comfortable seated for the duration of the session (no chairs with wheels) and have open space for movement and other practices.

    • 👖Come with comfortable, breathable clothes which allow movement

    • 🧻 Have supportive elements nearby such as water, tissues, a blanket or jacket. 

    • 🔌 Have your charger connected to your laptop

Not found the answer to your question?

Don’t worry, I’d love to hear from you! You can get in touch with your question and I’ll get back to you. Prefer to chat? You can book in a 30 minute call.

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