Food for Thought 

One-off 90 min online 1:1 Coaching Session

Get clear on the root cause of your dysfunctional relationship with food so that you know what strategies to apply to slim down and find inner harmony

Rouba Chalabi, binge-eating counselor, holding a cut lemon in front of her eye

How would it feel to walk away with the understanding of your blind spots so that you know where to invest your energy to slim down and transform inside out?

If you're an overeater who feels:

  • Worried, that your body is paying the price of your excess weight. Your breath is getting heavier whenever you do any physical effort and your joints are increasingly hurting.

  • Fearful, of what the future may hold if you don’t slim down. Your bigger body is making some every day tasks more difficult. Not much of your clothes are fitting and you keep wearing the same thing.

  • Sad, because of your low self confidence: this is not what you want to role model to your children.

  • Frustrated because you are single and want to feel good about your body and attract a significant other.

  • Exhausted, from depriving yourself from food only to binge back.

  • Ashamed about why you keep losing control over food and hurting yourself.

  • Lost, because eating less and exercising more does not seem to work.

I’m here to help you…

Ready to uncover the reasons behind your recurring bingeing?

Imagine if you understood the source of your dysfunctional relationship with food so that you know what strategies to apply to slim down and find fulfillment in life.

Wouldn’t you love to know your blind spots and begin investing time and energy in areas you have neglected?

I love that I can help you develop an awareness about your emotional triggers and trauma and stress coping behaviors that are keeping you addicted to food.

Downward pointing arrow

I designed Food for Thought for you

Woman's cupped hand below a drawing of a lightbulb on grey background

I have designed Food for Thought to give you new insights about ways to restore your relationship with food and yourself so that you find fulfillment in all aspects of your life.

My aim is that you gain a new perspective about the mind, body and soul aspects of your eating behavior that make you constantly hungry for more food. You will leave the session with knowledge about how to transform inside out so that you can slim down.

I want you to feel empowered with the insights you have gained and begin applying holistic strategies to achieve food freedom

Is Food for Thought right for you?

Food for Thought IS for you if you are…

  • Confused from too much information. No advice seems to work over an extended period of time

  • Curious to have a fresh perspective on the root cause of your dysfunctional relationship with food

  • Keen to reflect about the nature of the relationship between your mind, body, food and life

  • Eager to identify and explore new options to slimming down and achieving inner harmony

  • Looking for some food for thought and inspiration

  • Excited to show up and make yourself a priority

orange tick

and it’s NOT for you if…

  • You are looking for a quick solution

  • You’d rather stay on the surface of things

  • You want to keep your same eating habits

  • You dislike emotional healing and personal growth

black cross

Rouba’s “Food for Thought” call really blew my mind. I am an experienced coach and have good levels of self-awareness but the things I learned about myself during my conversation with Rouba were nothing short of eye-opening.

— Dee

Rouba Chalabi standing arms crossed wearing bell peppers as earrings

Hello you,
I’m Rouba Chalabi

I blend breathwork with food addiction counseling to help you to help you heal the root cause of your food and body struggles so that you sustain weight loss.

I have been there. You are learning from a recovering food addict who has successfully lost 1/3 of her weight and sustained it for over 7 years.

I am here to tell you that there is another way.

Everything I do comes from my personal experience with 40 years of overeating, training in biodynamic breathwork and trauma release, and the food addiction recovery model. I am the author of "Beyond the Emptiness: How I Found Fullness Outside of Food," a book that gives fellow overeaters hope.

I will use a mix of reflection, presentation, discussion and meditation to help you understand the source of your dysfunctional relationship with food. You will leave the session with an awareness of holistic methods to slim down.

Book your Food for Thought Session

A 90 minute coaching session to help you understand the root cause of your dysfunctional relationship with food so that you can transform inside out while slimming down


10 minute eating behaviour survey

90 minute coaching session via Zoom

Personalized action plan to slim down and find inner harmony, sent by e-mail

Your investment: USD 147

How to book a session :

  1. Select your preferred date in the calendar below where you can book the session (make sure to check the timezone)

  2. Payment is integrated with your session confirmation

  3. You will receive a survey assessment following your booking. Please fill and submit as you will be helping both of us understand your eating behavior.

  4. Save session in your calendar

  5. Attend

  6. Receive personalized action plan by e-mail

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • The booking link provides payment via PayPal or credit card. Upon request, you may settle your payment via bank transfer.

  • You can reschedule 48 hours ahead of time. You have this option in your meeting confirmation.

  • Upon session booking, you will get a session confirmation with an option to save in your calendar. You will also receive a reminder two days ahead and 15 minutes before. The session is not refundable if you don't show up or fail to reschedule within 48 hours.

  • The session is not refundable. You may reschedule it if needed within 48 hours of your session.

Not found the answer to your question?

Don’t worry, I’d love to hear from you!
You can get in touch with your question and I’ll get back to you.