Are Weight Loss Injections the Answer?

why weight loss injections won't address the root causes of your overeating blog photo

weight loss injection

3 things you need to consider first that no one else is talking about

Your desire for quick and simple solutions to your overeating in today's fast-paced world is understandable. The promise of a weight loss injection that reduces your appetite and helps you slim down can be quite enticing. After all, Oprah did it and so did Whoppy Goldberg and Kelly Clarkson is on some forms of tablets too.

weight loss injections and mood management

If you were to rely on weight loss injections, what would replace food as your primary tranquilizer?

In this blog post, you’re going to understand the limitations of weight loss injections and the importance of a holistic approach to nurturing a healthier relationship with your body, food, and life.

What you’ll learn:

  • Connecting with Your Body: Discover how to build a stronger connection with yourself, understand your body’s true needs, and manage stress effectively.

  • Nourishing Yourself with Food: Learn how to choose foods that nourish your body, detox from addictive substances like sugar and flour, and develop healthy eating habits.

  • Flourishing in Life: Master life coping skills, manage stress without relying on food, and engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.

Here’s Why This is Important:

Reading this blog post will equip you with the knowledge to address the root causes of your overeating, break free from the cycle of quick fixes, and embrace a holistic approach to slimming down. You’ll gain insights into connecting with your body, nourishing yourself with wholesome food, and flourishing in all aspects of your life. By the end of this post, you’ll be empowered to make meaningful changes that lead to lasting transformation.

So, let's dive in and explore why true transformation requires more than just a quick fix and how you can start your journey toward a healthier, happier you.

1) Connecting with your BODY


Slimming down will involve building a stronger connection with yourself that allows you to start understanding your body’s true needs.

Much of your life is consumed by constant activity, leaving little room for moments of pure presence and tranquility. The relentless pursuit of your to-do list may overshadow your ability to simply be, to connect with yourself on a deeper level, and to appreciate the richness of life beyond mere achievements.

You often find yourself giving more than receiving, prioritizing others' needs and tasks over your own well-being. You generously give your time, energy, or attention without receiving the same level of nurturing in return. This habitual pattern of selflessness may leave you feeling depleted and overlooked, struggling to carve out moments of self-care and reflection.

When it comes to meditation, the idea of quieting your mind and embracing stillness may feel daunting or unfamiliar. The busyness and demands of your daily life might make it challenging to settle into a state of calm and inner quietude. As a result, the practice of meditation could seem elusive or impractical amidst the constant hustle and bustle.

You're not alone in this experience. Recognizing these patterns is a crucial first step toward cultivating a healthier relationship with your body, food, and life.

After all, your craving for food is an alarm bell.  It's trying to tell you that certain aspects of your well-being need attention. But instead of listening, you turn to food for comfort.

Connecting with your body involves:

  • Learning how to pause and be present in your body. No more escaping!

  • Paying attention to your stress cues

  • Releasing discomfort through breath, movement, touch, and sound

  • Experiencing relaxation and recharging through sensory experiences

  • Softening your mind, listening to your body, and prioritizing self-care

When you're more connected within, you'll be better equipped to detect early signs of stress and manage them effectively to prevent binge eating.

2) Nourishing yourself with FOOD

how to lose weight by nourishing yourself wit food

For some, you have a more complex relationship with food, slimming down will involve breaking away with foods that trigger addictive responses and choosing food that nourishes your body, while finding pleasure in other fulfilling activities.

You may have already tried for years to achieve a balanced connection with your binge foods but you’re still unable to eat in moderation and that’s because your brain has a chemical dependency on sugar and flour, similar to alcoholics, smokers, and drug addicts.

Nourishing yourself with food includes:

  • Detoxing your body from sugar and flour through opting for wholesome foods that are rich in fiber and support you in stabilizing your blood sugar levels

  • Enhancing your cooking skills and daily routines to plan and prepare nourishing meals that are enjoyable and readily available

  • Establishing regular eating intervals, ideally four times a day, to keep your hunger satisfied and your cravings at bay

My clients thank me for inspiring them to cook plant rich meals and eat fruits and vegetables they have not eaten in years. Imagine yourself embracing these changes and experiencing a stronger sense of satiety free from that incessant obsession with certain foods.

3) Flourishing in LIFE

how to lose weight by flourishing in life

The third pillar to slimming down involves mastering how to develop life coping skills in all seasons and circumstances while using food for nourishment and tranquilizing your nervous system through alternative sources of pleasure.

Freeing yourself from the hold of food will involve:

  • Putting your needs first and taking care of yourself

  • Doing more of what gives you energy and less of what drains you

  • Having daily practices that give you joy and fulfillment

  • Managing stress and your emotions in a healthy way

  • Connecting to your body and slowing down to recharge when needed

Weight loss injections can’t address the root causes of your overeating

In summary, change is a gradual and transformative process that requires dedication, understanding, and persistence. It is not a one-time event or a rapid solution but rather a journey of personal growth and development.

True transformation involves addressing the root causes of your overeating, requiring time, effort, and commitment to break old patterns that sabotage your relationship with food and develop new habits to connect with your body, nourish yourself with wholesome food and flourish in life.

I am here to support you every step of the way

If you are ready to slim down, but currently feel lost because eating less and exercising more does not seem to work, check out Food for Thought session, a one off coaching session where you’ll gain a new perspective about the mind, body and soul aspects of your eating behavior.

Get the clarity you need on your emotional triggers, and trauma and stress coping behaviors that are keeping you addicted to food. Imagine understanding the source of your dysfunctional relationship with food and having the motivation to transform inside out so that you can slim down, all in one session.

Hi, I’m Rouba Chalabi,

I blend food addiction counseling with breathwork to help you heal the root cause of your food and body struggles so that you sustain weightloss.


Finding Happiness Beyond Food While Slimming Down