How I Found Fullness Outside of Food

Rouba Chalabi author of Beyond the Emptiness

Are you constantly attacked by food thoughts? Do you struggle to stop eating? Do you use food to calm your nerves? Do you feel betrayed by your body? Would like to change your relationship with food? Do you want to stop the never-ending cycle of loosing weight then gaining it back?

How would it feel to to make peace with your body?

Before and after photos of Rouba Chalabi's weight loss

My Inspiring Story of Weight Loss and Healing

I wrote this book to spread hope among overeaters.

My memoir describes my pain growing up and living 40 years as an overeater and the circumstances that kept me in this vicious cycle.

I share how I transformed on a physical, emotional and spiritual level to lose 1/3 of my weight which I have now sustained for 7 years.

I hope to inspire you to befriend your body and begin to cultivate connectedness between your mind, body and soul. At a time of deep uncertainty, caring for yourself is the only certainty.

In my book, I share how I healed my relationship with food

  • You will realize, just as I did, that overeating is not the source of the problem but rather a coping mechanism against unease. I was born with a great hunger that no amount of food could fill.

  • I will take you through my journey of sustainable weight-loss and you will get to understand the physical, emotional and spiritual transformations that were involved. You will learn how to find fullness outside of food.

  • I hope to inspire you to befriend your body, and to develop connectedness between your mind, body and soul. In these times of deep uncertainty, caring for yourself is your only certainty.

Amazing book. Grab yourself a copy. It is a short read, yet profound, deep and beautifully written by a beautiful soul.

— Lara

Author, Rouba Chalabi, holding her book 'Beyond the Emptiness'

Meet the Author -
Rouba Chalabi

I was a workaholic and overeater for 40 years, struggling with a food addiction before undergoing my own radical physical, emotional, and spiritual transformation.

I healed my relationship with food and reconnected with myself.

The result of this? I successfully lost 1/3 of my weight and have sustained it.

Since my own transformation, I retrained as a food addiction counselor and biodynamic breathworker, blending these modalities together to help others find harmony within and transform their body-food connection.

Order your copy of
Beyond the Emptiness

Beyond the Emptiness can also be purchased from:
Amazon US, Walmart US, Amazon UK

Beyond the book… download your free
Daily Emotional Guide

Did you know that emotional suppression could be leading you to escape to food? 

Let me help you create a daily habit of naming your emotions so that you become more curious about your inner world. 

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