Tranquil Body: Guiding you to neutralize your cravings

A 5-week live online program for overeaters that guides you to rewire your response to stress and food cravings

Join our 5-week live 1:1 program designed to help you detect early signals of distress and manage them before they get you to binge eating.

Through mindfulness, breathwork and trauma healing techniques, you will discover what is beneath the surface of the thoughts, emotions and actions that cause you to overeat and learn how to better manage stress and bring your body to a place of comfort and safety.

Stress eater, I see you:

Rouba Chalabi wearing yellow jacket holding her hands in front in a heart shape by wooden door
  • You’ve spent the past year trying to slim down only to find yourself eating more and gaining weight

  • You’re frustrated with this rebellious body of yours that does not listen to you and keeps wanting to eat even though you don’t want to

  • You experience frequent turbulence in your body and reach out to food for stress release

  • You are ready to explore new ways to break your overeating habit

Imagine if you could detect signals of discomfort and manage them before they get to binge eating

Woman in white shirt holding thumbs up in front of her

Imagine if you knew how to release stress instead of turning immediately to food

Wouldn’t you love if you could recognize stress signals in your body, take a moment to slow down, and identify how you are feeling before reaching for food?

My goal is to empower you in managing your discomforts and that you learn how to release stress and bring your body to a place of comfort and safety.

You will leave the program feeling a deeper connection, closeness and familiarity with your body, while uncovering the unconscious patterns that lead you to overeat

I want to guide you on treating your beautifully imperfect body with a spirit of loving kindness, leading you to find fulfillment beyond food.

Is Tranquil Body right for you?

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Tranquil Body IS for you if…

  • You would like to cultivate a stronger connection and awareness of your body

  • You want to get acquainted with your suppressed emotions

  • You would like to break the habit of turning to food when stressed out

  • You are excited to learn stress release techniques through breathwork

  • You would like to discover how to relax

  • You are keen to understand the factors that trigger your overeating behavior

  • You want to experiment with new life practices that bring you comfort and pleasure

orange tick

and it’s NOT for you if…

  • If you are looking for a diet, meal plans or recipes

  • If you are looking for quick fixes to slim down

  • If you would rather stay on the surface of things

black cross
  • I can handle intrusive eating thoughts

    "I had persistent thoughts about food and engaged in frequent snacking. With Rouba’s help, I enjoyed having the space to express my issues among an incredibly supportive group of participants who shared similar struggles.

    I am now more aware of my suppressed emotions and have developed new ways to handle intrusive eating thoughts. Techniques like the hand meditation and breathing out have become my go to strategies for releasing stress instead of immediately turning to food."

    — Christine Furno, UAE

  • I can identify what I am feeling

    "I joined Tranquil Body with the goal of saying no to food that is harming me and making peace with the part of me that sabotages my efforts to curb overeating. Reflecting on my journey, I realize I struggled with identifying my emotions.

    Rouba’s clear, concise and empathetic guidance has helped me become more present, self-aware and conscious in my body.

    Moving forward, I will pay more attention to my stress level, slow down and identify what I am feeling before putting food in my mouth.”

    — Bonnie Davis, USA

  • I feel more empowered to handle discomfort

    "I used to resort to food as a coping mechanism for uncomfortable feelings and sensations in my body. Despite trying various programs, I often felt overwhelmed with excessive information.

    Rouba created a supportive space where she gently guided us to connect with our bodies and listen to their messages.

    Thanks to Tranquil Body, I now feel more empowered to handle discomfort. Binge urges no longer frighten me; instead, they signal unmet needs, prompting me to turn inward and listen to my body's wisdom.”

    — Sarah L, UAE

  • I am able to listen to my body

    “I struggled with mid-night bingeing and hesitated to join thinking nothing will work. Through Rouba’s passion and the shared experience of fellow participants, I have gained valuable insights into my cravings and triggers.

    I now navigate life with a newfound awareness of my body. I've learned to listen to its cues and honor my emotions and become more gentle with myself. The program has helped me recognize my need for rest and relaxation, leading to a significant reduction in night time binges. Even on occasions when I slip, I am more attuned to my body’s signals, helping me address underlying issues.”

    — Hafsa, UAE

  • I am giving my body permission to relax

    I used to feel constantly hungry, struggling with overeating and feeling like no solution worked.

    I hesitated about joining Tranquil Body, fearing it would be another failed attempt. But, it’s provided me with an empowering breakthrough.

    I have come to the realization that my body is always on the go and that managing my tension has stopped my urge to overeat. I have committed to allowing my body to relax more fully.

    - Ola Sidani, Lebanon

Connect with your Tranquil Body

tranquil body components

🔐 Discover what is beneath the thoughts, emotions and actions that cause you to overeat.

✨ Learn effective stress management techniques to bring your body to a place of comfort and safety.

🔁 Practice daily skills to manage your body’s discomfort and cravings before reaching for food.

Rouba Chalabi standing with arms folded wearing yellow bell peppers as earrings

I’m Rouba Chalabi

I blend breathwork with food addiction counseling to help you to help you heal the root cause of your food and body struggles so that you sustain weight loss.

I have been an overeater for 40 years. You are learning from a recovering food addict who has successfully lost 1/3 of her weight and sustained it for over 7 years.

I am here to tell you that there is another way.

Everything I do comes from my personal experience with 40 years of overeating, training in biodynamic breathwork and trauma release, and the food addiction recovery model. I am the author of "Beyond the Emptiness: How I Found Fullness Outside of Food," a book that gives fellow overeaters hope.

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Your Journey from Turbulence to Tranquil Body

Tranquil Body is 5 weeks long. We meet on once a week, via zoom for 75 minutes each time, and connect via WhatsApp every day in between the sessions.


Initial survey about your wellbeing practices

5 x 75 minute weekly Zoom sessions and the recording of those sessions

Daily journaling exchange and feedback via whatsapp group

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Recorded video meditation for personal practice

Graphic depicting meditation

Booklets on emotions and sensory soothing and the session slides

Graphic of a booklet

Your investment: USD 870

Tranquil Body covers:

Week 1: Connecting within and experiencing presence in your body

Week 2: Learning how to notice stress and bring calm to your nervous system

Week 3: Developing emotional awareness, Allowing and releasing your discomforts through breath, movement, touch, sound

Week 4: Becoming more gentle with your beautiful imperfect self

Week 5: Connecting your discomfort to your unmet needs before it gets to a binge

This is where the link will jump to

Book your Tranquil Body Program

Embark on your 5-week journey to detect early signals of distress and manage them before they get you to binge eating. You will leave this 1:1 program feeling a deeper connection, closeness and familiarity with your body, while uncovering the unconscious patterns that lead you to overeat

Payment: USD 870 for the whole program

Steps to book your program kick-off session :

  1. Select your preferred date in the calendar for your kickoff session

  2. Payment for the whole program is integrated with your kickoff session confirmation

  3. Make sure you read the session confirmation e-mail and instructions on filling the questionnaire and getting ready for your session

  4. Save session in your calendar

  5. Attend

Tranquil Body Kick off session booking

Thanks to Tranquil Body, I now feel more empowered to handle discomfort. Binge urges no longer frighten me; instead, they signal unmet needs, prompting me to turn inward and listen to my body's wisdom.

— Sarah

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Booking is integrated as part of scheduling your 1st session.

    You may settle your payment via bank transfer. Contact me via the contact form or by email:

  • You may reschedule your session at a 48 hour notice

  • Overeating is a consequence of unease. I will teach you how to manage the turbulence and discomfort in your body before it gets to binge eating. You will learn how to befriend your beautifully imperfect body.

    I will teach you techniques in presence, understanding, curiosity and care so that your emotions guide you to your needs and you’re able to manage your stress in a virtuous way.

  • You are escaping to food right now because you are not able to find comfort and safety within. I will be guiding you to find tranquility and harmony inside. You will leave the program knowing how to navigate your inner turbulence. You will begin to enjoy meditation as a result of this program.

  • No food plan will be provided during this program. You will receive general guidelines about how to cultivate freedom and abundance with food. This program focuses on stress management and having you experience a new relationship with your body.

Not found the answer to your question?

Don’t worry, I’d love to hear from you!
You can get in touch with your question and I’ll get back to you.